Downton Abbey Show

The Missing Downton Abbey Scripts

So there are published script books for Seasons 1-3, and they’re really great. However… as you know if you’ve tried to find the published scripts for 4-6, they don’t exist. I don’t know why, but they were never officially released. So here’s the link to the site that has transcripts for all 6 seasons of DA, and this is the only way to find the last three seasons. Unfortunately, this obviously does not include any of the script notes by JF, deleted lines and scenes, or changes from the original script, all of which are in the script books for 1-3. Those are really amazing to read (the Patrick/Peter plotline finally makes sense in the original script, for instance,) but we don’t have that option for 4-6…. so check out this site. 🙂

The amazing fan site with all the transcribed scripts!

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